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Catechesis Pope Francis

A Christian without courage is a useless Christian: Pope

“A Christian without courage, who does not turn his own strength to good, who does not bother anyone, is a useless Christian,” Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Patience more than a value that helps one lead a good life: Pope

Contemplating Christ’s passion should inspire Christians to be more patient in the face of their own suffering and trials, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Catechesis Saints

Saints not exceptions, but examples of humanity’s virtue: Pope

The saints are not unreachable “exceptions of humanity” but ordinary people who worked diligently to grow in virtue, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Of all vices, pride is the great queen: Pope

Pope Francis yesterday used his general audience to focus on the vice of pride, relying on an aide to read his remarks for the second consecutive week. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Francis warns of ‘the demon’ of acedia

The vice of acedia, often translated as “sloth”, can cause laziness, but it is much more than that; it is a lack of caring for anything and being bored with everything, even one’s relationship with God, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Let go of anger before the sun sets: Pope

Reflecting on the sin of wrath, Pope Francis yesterday invited people to guard against channelling anger unjustly and insisted they follow Jesus’ example of forgiveness. Source: Vatican News.

Catechesis Pope Francis

The road to love must be travelled slowly: Pope

Continuing his catechetical series on vice and virtue, Pope Francis yesterday dedicated his general audience to highlighting the difference between love and lust, arguing that “in Christianity, there is no condemnation of the sexual instinct”. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Pope urges Christians to ‘be open’ to the Word of God

Pope Francis concluded his yearlong series of talks about zeal for evangelisation yesterday, urging Christians to “be open” to the Word of God. Source: NCR Online.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Holy Spirit inspires creativity, simplicity in evangelisation: Pope

Christians must rely more on the Holy Spirit than on their own plans and strategies if they hope to fulfil their mission to share the good news of God’s love and of salvation in Christ, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.