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New South Wales Religious Freedom

NSW Government warned against breaching religious freedoms

The New South Wales Government has been warned that attempting to stop religious schools from hiring or firing staff because of their adherence to “Christian ethos”, including sexuality, would be a breach of religious freedoms. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Health Religious Freedom

Protection of freedom of conscience in Australia ‘dismal’

Freedom of conscience in the practice of medicine was the focus of a talk in Hobart hosted by the Catholic Medical Association of Tasmania. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Europe Religious Freedom

Court rules government offices in EU can ban wearing of religious symbols

A new ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union allows member states to prohibit the wearing of religious symbols or clothing by employees in public institutions. Source: Aleteia.

Politics Religious Freedom

Labor to add new protections for religious expression in misinformation bill

A clear exemption for religious expression will be among the changes to Labor’s proposed misinformation laws as the revised legislation is delayed until next year after a chorus of free speech concerns from a range of organisations. Source: The Age.

Religious Freedom Vatican

Religious freedom a path to promoting peace: Archbishop Gallagher

Religious freedom is not merely a human right but is also a path to promoting peace in an increasingly complex world, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, said this week. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Religious Freedom Western Australia

WA delays laws on religious schools’ employment practices

Laws barring religious schools in Western Australia from discriminating against gay teachers have been delayed and could be shelved in the wake of the Cook Government’s repealed Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act. Source: The West Australian. 

Religious Freedom

Faith leaders push for religious freedom laws in wake of Israel conflict

Faith leaders say spillover from the conflict in the Middle East has made it “blindingly obvious” why Australia needs religious freedom laws, raising concerns over the potential for increased prejudice in the wake of the violence. Source: The Australian.

Human Rights Religious Freedom

Christian schools warn Human Rights Act threatens religious freedoms

Australia’s Christian schools peak body has warned a proposed federal Human Rights Act could threaten religious freedoms, urging the Albanese Government to revisit religious discrimination legislation. Source: The Australian.

Religious Freedom South Asia

ACN to provide emergency relief for victims of anti-Christian riots in Pakistan

Aid to the Church in Need will provide emergency support to the victims of anti-Christian riots that took place in Jaranwala, in the Pakistani district of Punjab.