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Audit report shows Sale ‘walking the talk’ in building a culture of safety

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL) has today published the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) audit report for the Catholic Diocese of Sale.


Victims of abuse want justice, says Vatican official

“Victims want to be heard and victims want justice,” Teresa Kettelkamp says as she explains some of the findings of the first annual report of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. Source: Vatican News. 


Papal commission releases report highlighting progress in safeguarding

Highlighting progress made in safeguarding and recommendations for rectifying ongoing gaps, the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors dedicated its first annual report to all victims and survivors of sexual abuse by members of the Church. Source: CNS.


Diocese welcomes publication of first external audit report

Broken Bay Diocese has welcomed the publication of its first external audit report against the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. Source: Broken Bay News.


Diocese becomes first to have audit completed by external firm

Broken Bay Diocese has this week become the first diocese to have a National Catholic Safeguarding Standards audit completed by an external audit firm on the NCSS Auditor Register. Source: ACSL.


Audit finds Carmelite Nuns taking safeguarding seriously

A safeguarding audit report published today by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd has found that the Discalced Carmelite Nuns Launceston are taking safeguarding seriously in their unique ministry environment.


Religious unite in prayer for victims of abuse

Catholic Religious Australia will hold an hour of remembrance on Sunday as religious communities across Australia unite in prayer for victims and survivors of sexual abuse.

Europe Safeguarding

Irish inquiry to investigate abuse at schools run by religious orders 

The Irish Government will establish an inquiry into abuse at schools run by religious orders in the country after an initial investigation found there had been 2395 allegations of abuse in 308 schools run by 42 religious orders in the period 1927-2023. Source: The Tablet.

New Zealand Safeguarding

New Zealand safeguarding report offer blueprint for improvement

An independent assessment of Catholic safeguarding protocols and procedures in New Zealand has identified significant progress in many areas, while also highlighting where more work is needed. Source: NZCBC.