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Safeguarding Vatican

Church ‘must place’ people with disabilities at centre of safeguarding efforts 

To prevent abuse across the board, the Church must place people with disabilities at the centre of its safeguarding efforts and ministry, speakers said at an international safeguarding conference in Rome. Source: CNS.


Audit finds Townsville Diocese acting on safeguarding

Townsville Diocese has embraced child safeguarding standards, according to an audit report published today by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd.


Scalabrinians achieve ‘great result’ in safeguarding audit

An audit report published today by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd has found child safety practices are largely developed and embedded across the Missionaries of St Charles – Scalabrinians.

Safeguarding United States

US safeguarding report warns of need for ongoing vigilance

The United States Catholic bishops’ latest annual safeguarding report shows abuse allegations are down, but guarding against complacency about abuse prevention is critical. Source: OSV News.

Research Safeguarding

Research shows journey to safeguard children ongoing in Church

Lay members of the Church have scored lowest on a range of child safeguarding measures compared with those holding other roles, new Australian Catholic University-led global research shows.

Appointment Safeguarding

Changing of the guard at Australian Catholic Safeguarding 

Outgoing Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd board chair Michael Lavarch was thanked for his service and incoming board chair David Penny was welcomed into the role at ACSL’s Annual General Meeting this week.

Family Violence In The Dioceses Safeguarding

‘We cannot remain silent in the face of this difficult reality’: Bishop Randazzo

“The Voice of the Vulnerable – A Catholic Response to Domestic Violence” is the theme for a safeguarding letter and video from Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo, issued yesterday to people and clergy in his diocese.


National code of conduct key to improving integrity

A national code of conduct has been released by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference for people ministering in Catholic dioceses around Australia.

In The Dioceses Safeguarding Technology

Perth Archdiocese wins international award for digital transformation

The digital transformation of Perth Archdiocese’s record management processes, spurred on by a commitment to safeguarding, has won global recognition. Source: The eRecord.