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Social Services

Conference looks to ‘future-proof’ social services sector

The Catholic Social Services Australia National Conference in Sydney next month will bring together Catholic religious leaders, academics, practitioners and advocates from across Australia under the theme “Hope in Action”.

Social Services Welfare

Forget long lunches and raise JobSeeker rate: community leaders

Politicians need to stop discussing tax breaks for long lunches and start prioritising an increase to the JobSeeker payment, community leaders say. Source: Canberra Times.

For The Diary Social Services

Cardinal Mykola to address social services conference

“Hope in Action” is the theme for the Catholic Social Services Australia National Conference, to be held in Sydney, March 19-20. 

Appointment Social Services

New executive director for CatholicCare Toowoomba

CatholicCare Social Services Toowoomba has a new executive director after Bishop Ken Howell announced the appointment of Dianne Swan to the role. Source: Toowoomba Diocese.

Refugees Social Services

Visa applicants in limbo as CatholicCare refugee hub closes

There are fears hundreds of people needing help to settle into life in Australia will be left in limbo after the closure of Catholic-operated refugee hub in New South Wales’ second largest city. Source: ABC News.

Appointment Social Services

Appointment marks ‘exciting new era’ for Catholic Social Services

Following an extensive search process, Catholic Social Services Australia has appointed Jerry Nockles as its new executive director.

Migrants Social Services

Catholic organisations reject changes to migration bills

Catholic Social Services Victoria, the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum and the Refugee Council, have expressed deep concerns about the implications of the Migration Amendment Bills passed last week by the Senate. 

Charity Social Services

Vinnies welcomes blueprint for not-for-profit sector 

The St Vincent de Paul Society has welcomed the release of the Not-for-profit Sector Development Blueprint outlining strategies and challenges for the enhancement of Australia’s vital, community-focused organisations.

Refugees Social Services

Catholic volunteers lend support to refugee families arriving in Australia

Refugee families are receiving vital settlement support in Australia through a program being delivered by Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. Source: Catholic Outlook.