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United States

Mass at California church interrupted by armed police pursuit

The celebration of Mass at a southern California parish was interrupted by an armed police pursuit of a suspected gunman on Tuesday morning. Source: CNA.

Religious Freedom United States

US bishops warn of major threats to religious liberty

After a year of renewed attacks on churches and religious centres, the United States bishops said in a new report that attacks on houses of worship constitute the “largest threat to religious liberty in 2024” and could threaten “the very lives of people of faith”. Source: CNA.

Death Penalty United States

­­­­ ‘Renewed momentum’ in the US to end capital punishment

Five years after Pope Francis updated the Catechism of the Catholic Church to clarify the Church’s teaching on the death penalty, there is “renewed momentum” in the United States to end the practice, a leading Catholic activist said. Source: OSV News.

United States

Suspect arrested after US priest killed in stabbing attack

A Catholic priest in Nebraska died on Sunday after being stabbed at a parish rectory. Police have identified a suspect. Source: CNA.

United States

Bishop prays for healing, consolation in wake of latest US mass shootings

The Archbishop of Las Vegas has offered his thoughts and prayers for the victims and survivors of a mass shooting at the University of Nevada on Wednesday. Source: Crux.

United States

FBI director clashes with senators over leaked memo targeting Catholics

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation director has clashed with Republicans over a leaked memo that alleged political extremism in some Catholic groups. Source: UCA News.

United States

US priest marries 18-year-old woman in civil ceremony 

A soon-to-be-laicised American priest has civilly married the young woman with whom he fled to Europe in July. Source: OSV News.

Abortion United States

Abortion to be ‘preeminent priority’ in voting guide for US Catholics

The United States bishops will continue to highlight the threat of abortion as a “preeminent priority” in the introduction to a guide they’ll disseminate to Catholic voters ahead of the 2024 election. Source: CNA.

Bishops United States Vatican

Outspoken critic of Pope removed from leadership of US diocese

Following a recent visitation and several instances of outspoken opposition to the current papacy, the Vatican announced on Saturday that US Bishop Joseph Strickland has been removed from the leadership of his Texas diocese. Source: Crux.