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Death Penalty Pope Francis

Pope says Catholics should ‘collectively call for the abolition of the death penalty’

Capital punishment promotes a deadly attitude of revenge and denies the possibility of change in the lives of incarcerated people, Pope Francis has written in the preface to a new book on prison chaplaincy. Source: NCR Online.

Death Penalty

Pakistan court sentences Christian man to death for blasphemy

The chair of the Catholic Church’s National Commission for Justice and Peace in Pakistan has lambasted a court for passing the death sentence on a Christian man found guilty of blasphemy in connection with one of the worst atrocities against minorities in the country’s history. Source: Aid to the Church in Need.

Death Penalty United States

­­­­ ‘Renewed momentum’ in the US to end capital punishment

Five years after Pope Francis updated the Catechism of the Catholic Church to clarify the Church’s teaching on the death penalty, there is “renewed momentum” in the United States to end the practice, a leading Catholic activist said. Source: OSV News.

Death Penalty

Archbishop calls for end to death penalty after Oklahoma execution

Following the execution of a convicted murderer, the Archbishop of Oklahoma City has renewed calls to abolish the death penalty, which he called an “archaic punishment”. Source: CNA.

Death Penalty

Two Australians on death row in Vietnam granted clemency

Two Australians facing the death penalty in Vietnam have been granted clemency after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visited the country on the weekend. Source: