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The Schoenstatt Shrine at Mulgoa, NSW (The Catholic Weekly)

A religious community is in shock following a horror crash involving five nuns in Sydney’s west. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Emergency services were called to a property in Mulgoa following reports a car had crashed into a tree and rolled down an embankment at about 8.45pm on Wednesday.

“Last night, five of the Sisters of Mt Schoenstatt were involved in a single car accident on their property in Mulgoa,” a Parramatta Diocese said yesterday.

“Emergency services arrived quickly on the scene, and all were taken to hospital. The sisters suffered various injuries, however one is in a critical condition. We ask for prayers for all the Sisters of Mt Schoenstatt during this difficult time.”

The sisters, one aged 100, were driving on Fairlight Road when the accident happened.

One of the sisters was airlifted to Westmead Hospital in a critical condition with head injuries while the other four sustained only minor injuries.

A spokeswoman for the Schoenstatt Shrine said the mostly elderly order of sisters were in complete shock. She asked for prayers for not only the five sisters involved in the crash but for their larger community.

The Schoenstatt Shrine is part of an Apostolic movement founded in Germany in 1914. Schoenstatt Sisters have worked across Sydney and the country for decades.


Schoenstatt Sisters injured in car accident (By Debbie Cramsie, The Catholic Weekly)  


‘Divine intervention’ stops nuns’ car from falling down embankment (