Bathurst Bishop Michael McKenna has launched an appeal for people and communities in Central West New South Wales who have been devastated by recent floods.
A message posted on the Bathurst Diocese website says Bishop McKenna has “established the Bishop’s Flood Appeal to ensure assistance is provided directly to those in need”.
“The record-breaking rains we have been experiencing for months now have brought devastating floods to communities in our diocese. The towns of Eugowra and Molong have been hardest hit, but damage and disruption are impacting many others as well,” Bishop McKenna said.
“Less dramatically, but no less seriously, the lives and livelihoods of our farmers have already been suffering from slow inundation for weeks and months.
“I know that Catholics are already reaching out with support and assistance to their neighbours; and that we are united in prayer for all affected and for good weather. We give thanks for the skill and courage of emergency service personnel whose work has saved lives.
“Our diocesan agencies are looking ahead to how we can contribute to the recovery, when the waters recede and lives, homes, churches and schools will need rebuilding.”
Funds raised in the appeal will go towards providing immediate and long-term support for communities in the Bathurst Diocese, particularly the towns of Eugowra and Molong
People can offer financial support by making donations through Centacare Bathurst, the diocese’s social services arm, which has already begun working with the leaders in those communities.
Details: Bishop’s flood appeal.
Message from Bishop Michael McKenna (Bathurst Diocese)