Loud and sustained applause followed the Brisbane premiere screening of The Midnight Sower, a modern-day film adaptation of the Parable of the Sower found in the Gospels. Source: The Catholic Leader.
The 30-minute feature is the work of young Brisbane Catholic filmmaker Daniel Urbina, who spent much of the last year guiding the project from his original script to final production.
After a rousing reception by cast, friends, and supporters attending the premiere last week, Mr Urbina said, The Midnight Sower is a contemplative film and he hoped audiences would respond to it by asking deeper questions about their lives.
He hopes the next screening will be at one of several international film festivals.
The film tells the story of India (played by Emily Paxevanos), a teenager who makes a life-changing mistake. As her life falls apart, she reaches out for support from her sister, her mother, and her boyfriend. These people all represent part of the Gospel parable.
She spends a long, dark night of soul searching and asking the eternal question: “Where is God?”
Right from the start, Mr Urbina said he hoped the film project would help guide his own life choices – whether filmmaking was a career God was calling him to follow.
“This has been a discerning process … and I have been hinging a lot on whether the audience responds well (to the film),” he said.
“If they respond well, and they see something of value in the film, I hope that I’ll see that as a sign I should continue this pathway.”
Judging by the audience reaction at the premiere screening, the answer should be a resounding “Yes”.
To access the film contact The Midnight Sower on Facebook.
Rousing premiere for Brisbane Catholic filmmaker (By Mark Bowling, The Catholic Leader)