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Arts and Entertainment
Genesian theatre invites sponsors to support move to new home
After 80 years of actors treading the boards at its city-centre Kent Street premises, the Genesian Theatre is inviting Sydney Catholics to sponsor a seat at its new home at St Joseph’s Parish in Rozelle. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
Bethany ‘thankful to God’ for chance to play St Mary MacKillop
When Bethany Valente views her portrayal of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop on the saint’s feast day today, she will be feeling gratitude more than any other emotion. Source: The Catholic Leader.
Perth Symphony Orchestra to tell story of Bishop of the Bush
The Perth Symphony Orchestra will tell the story of Benedictine monk turned composer, philosopher and philanthropist, Bishop Rosendo Salvado, as part of a new chamber music series. Source: The eRecord.
After starring on the big screen, church to feature in new TV series
The historic church on Wurrumiyanga (Bathurst Island) – which featured in the film Top End Wedding – is set to star in a new follow-up television series, further cementing its reputation for being a beacon of faith and cultural heritage. Source: In The Word.
Why did the Pope cross the road? To host 100 comedians
As they waited for Pope Francis to arrive at the Clementine Hall in the Vatican Apostolic Palace for an early morning audience, late-night comedy stars looked at each other and thought, “something’s wrong”. Source: CNS.
Funny business: Pope to address top comedians at the Vatican
Pope Francis will take the mic in front of over 100 comics, stand-up comedians and humourists, including Americans Stephen Colbert and Whoopi Goldberg, at the Vatican on Friday. Source: CNA.
Pope to spotlight women’s prison art exhibit
Pope Francis will go to Venice in April to visit a women’s prison where the Holy See has set up its pavilion for the Venice Biennale, a major international contemporary art exhibition. Source: The Catholic Sun.
Catholic University to auction Wizard of Oz dress
The Catholic University of America is set to auction the legendary blue gingham checkered dress worn by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz, after a court ruling greenlit the auction. Source: OSV News.
Scorsese completes script for new film on Jesus
Oscar winner Martin Scorsese has confirmed that a script for his new movie, A Life of Jesus, is now finished. Source: National Catholic Register.