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Pope Francis with journalists aboard his flight from Portugal to Rome in May 2017 (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

The work of journalists is to listen and convey the truth of what was really said, Pope Francis has told a Catholic weekly magazine. Source: CNS.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank, through you, all journalists for their work. It is a noble profession: to convey the truth,” he said in an interview with Tertio, a Belgium-based Dutch-language publication.

The lengthy interview, which took place on December 19, 2022, in Spanish, was published on Tuesday; the Vatican newspaper published an Italian translation of the interview the same day.

The Pope said the tasks of a journalist are “listening, translating and dissemination” with listening being the key first step.

“There are journalists who are brilliant because they say clearly, ‘I listened, he said this, even though I think the opposite,’“ he said. “You should not say, ‘He said this,’“ when that was not what was said.

“Listen, report the message and then criticise. Journalists are doing a tremendous job,” he said.

The reporter reminded the Pope about an open letter that was signed by dozens of journalists and sent to him last year asking that St Titus Brandsma, a Dutch Carmelite priest, journalist and martyr, be made a patron saint of journalists.

“Does our request have any chance of being considered?” the reporter asked the Pope.

The Pope said, “I completely agree with this proposal” adding that there was another saint who also would be appropriate, referring to St Maximilian Kolbe, a Franciscan priest, journalist and martyr.

Pope Francis said he was going to contact the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints “to see what is possible. It would certainly be my pleasure.”


‘Noble profession’ of journalism must convey the truth, pope says (By Carol Glatz, CNS)