Pope Francis implemented one of the changes in his 2021 motu proprio restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass because the allowances granted by his predecessors were “being used in an ideological way”. Source: CNA.
The Pope spoke about the Latin Mass in a private conversation with Jesuits on the second day of his April 28–30 trip to Budapest, Hungary. The text of the meeting was published by the Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica on Tuesday.
During the question-and-answer session, Pope Francis said he was concerned about a “reaction against the modern”, or what he called in Italian indietrismo (backwardness).
“It is a nostalgic disease,” he said, explaining that this was the reason he made it necessary for priests ordained after July 16, 2021, to seek authorisation from their bishop and the Holy See to offer Mass according to the 1962, pre-Vatican II liturgical books, commonly referred to as the Latin Mass.
This restriction was introduced in paragraph 6, article 4 of Traditionis Custodes, the motu proprio issued by Pope Francis in July 2021.
“After all the necessary consultations, I decided this because I saw that the good pastoral measures put in place by John Paul II and Benedict XVI were being used in an ideological way, to go backward. It was necessary to stop this indietrismo, which was not in the pastoral vision of my predecessors,” the Pope told the group of 32 Jesuits.
Francis’ predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, had issued a 2007 apostolic letter, Summorum Pontificum, which acknowledged the right of all priests to say Mass using the Roman Missal of 1962.
Pope Francis says traditional Latin Mass was being used in an ideological way (By Hannah Brockhaus, CNA)