Liturgy experts from Australian Catholic University have launched a new podcast exploring Australian and global perspectives on liturgy, sacramental theology, liturgical music and sacred art.
Speaking of Liturgy is the newest initiative of the ACU Centre for Liturgy, a university-based centre for liturgical formation and education. The new podcast is the first Catholic liturgy podcast produced by Australian liturgy and theology experts and aims to enhance the liturgical apostolate in Australia.
Introduced by former ABC Radio Hobart journalist Stan Murrowood, Speaking of Liturgy features local and international experts talking about a wide range of liturgical topics.
The first six episodes of the podcast explore a variety of liturgical contexts, emphasising best practice in areas including school liturgies, the Sacraments of Healing, the influential role of sacred art, and Church architecture.
Future episodes will feature conversations from liturgy and music conferences, as well as Australian and international perspectives on Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy which Pope Paul VI promulgated 60 years ago this December.
ACU Centre for Liturgy director Clare Johnson said Speaking of Liturgy grew out of the Centre’s desire to improve the liturgical literacy of Australian Catholics and expand opportunities for liturgical formation by using a range of media.
“The mission of the ACU Centre for Liturgy is to foster the whole liturgical apostolate and we are constantly trying to evolve and engage audiences in different ways,” Professor Johnson said.
“While there are podcasts on the liturgy available for a general audience, we wanted to create a podcast that speaks specifically about liturgy today in the Australian context. We’re proud that our podcasts are created by Australian liturgical experts along with some wonderful and enriching international liturgy colleagues.”
Listen to the Speaking of Liturgy podcast at acu.edu.au/SpeakingofLiturgy.
ACU Centre for Liturgy launches Australian first liturgy podcast (ACU)