In a first for the Parramatta Diocese, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv on the feast of Pentecost has convoked a Diocesan Synod. Source: Catholic Outlook.
Joined by representatives from parishes and schools throughout the diocese, Bishop Long drew on the imagery of Pentecost outlined in the Acts of the Apostles to explain the goals of the Diocesan Synod: the renewal of the Church in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains.
“We are called to embody the Spirit who transcends all boundaries and divisions, be they of race, culture, social status, gender, ability or disability,” Bishop Long said in his homily. “Just as the predominantly Jewish Christian movement was forced to examine its assumptions, beliefs and practices, today we too must seek fresh ways of transcending and healing divisions, and embodying God’s all-embracing love.
“We cannot have a better future if we are not responsive to the call of the Spirit to go out into the deep and step into a new future beyond the safety, familiarity and security that we have known.”
After the Mass, held on Sunday at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta, Bishop Long presented each parish and school representative with a candle and prayer cards to take back to their community.
Details; parracatholic.org/synod2023
Convocation of Diocesan Synod aligns with Pentecost Sunday message (By Christina Gretton, Catholic Outlook)