A new report reveals 28 South Australians received a permit to die under the state’s euthanasia laws in the scheme’s first three months, and 12 people have died, including one who died without using the medication available. Source: The Advertiser.
They were aged from their 40s to their 90s. Seven had terminal cancer, and five had degenerative neurological conditions.
The first Voluntary Assisted Dying Quarterly Report released on Wednesday showed the effect of the new laws in helping South Australians with terminal illnesses choosing to die under the law which came into effect on January 31.
Of the 11 people who used medication to die, eight self-administered medication and three were supported by a medical practitioner.
On average, the length of time from making a first request to access euthanasia and receiving an outcome on an application for a permit was 25 days.
For all 28 permit applications, the Chief Executive of Department for Health and Wellbeing provided a decision within the three-day time frame required by the Act.
The program will now expand services in regional areas to widen access.
The report shows 60 medical practitioners have completed the mandatory training, with a further 45 registered or part-way through. Of these, 71 per cent are in metropolitan Adelaide, and 29 per cent are based in regional South Australia.
Voluntary Assisted Dying: How many South Australians have chosen to die under new laws (The Advertiser)