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The Federal Government’s new scheme will see up to 9000 more social homes built across Australia. (Bigstock)

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced a one-off $2 billion social housing plan to ensure every Australian “has a roof over their head”. Source: 9News.

The new Social Housing Accelerator scheme will give state and territory governments funds to build up to 9000 more social homes.

Mr Albanese said the funding would be delivered to governments in the next two weeks.

“This is new money, right now, for social housing,” he said.

“Demand for social housing has increased almost three times as fast as the growth in population.”

Mr Albanese said the Labor Government had already committed $575 million for social and affordable homes.

He also plans to provide more build-to-rent accommodation and work with states and territories to improve renters’ rights.

Mr Albanese said every Australian deserves the sense of connection and community and dignity and stability that a home provides.

“Knowing that you have a place to call home changes lives. It changed mine,” he said.

Mr Albanese grew up in social housing in Sydney’s Camperdown.

Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn welcomed the funding.

The Accelerator is a crucial step towards addressing the persistent issue of housing affordability in the country, she said in a statement.

“The Federal Government’s dedication to collaborative efforts with industry stakeholders, as well as state and territory governments, to tackle the housing supply predicament is commendable.”


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announces $2 billion social housing plan (By Lucy Slade and Nick Pearson, 9 News)