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Labor offers faith groups cash to release unused land for housing

Faith groups are signing up for funds to build affordable homes and fill a gap in the housing market, prompting the Government to offer them more cash if they are willing to release unused land. Source: The Age.

Housing Politics

Labor’s housing bills to pass after Greens backflip

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has secured the passage of his housing agenda through the Parliament in a significant pre-Christmas win after staring down demands from the Greens. Source: The Australian.


Report finds rental affordability the worst on record

Rental affordability is the worst on record in several capital cities, pushing welfare recipients, minimum-wage workers and single-income households to the fringes of Australian communities. Source: Domain.

Housing Tasmania

New CEO committed to helping Tasmanians in need

The new chief executive officer of Centacare Evolve Housing, Cody Burdon, said he was committed to helping Tasmanians in need due to the lack of safe, affordable housing. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.


Labor to revive debate over housing bill

The Albanese Government is set to revive debate over its housing agenda with a key bill to be reintroduced in the lower house after being blocked in the Senate. Source: Canberra Times.

Housing Politics

Labor revives threat of double-dissolution election over housing

The Albanese Government will revive its threat of a double-dissolution election over housing, re-introducing its Help to Buy housing bill to Parliament next week. Source: ABC News.

Housing Welfare

Poorest Australians priced out of rental market

Australians on the lowest incomes have been priced out of renting in almost every corner of the country, despite the Albanese Government’s recent 10 per cent increase to Commonwealth Rent Assistance, a new report has found. Source: The Guardian.

Housing Politics

Albanese urges Greens to ‘get on with it’ after Senate blocks housing vote

Labor failed to secure a Senate vote yesterday on a key housing policy after almost all non-government senators blocked a motion that would have allowed one, with a minister accusing them of forming an “unbelievable alliance”. Source: SBS News.


Government to release initial funds for social and affordable homes

More than 13,700 social and affordable homes will be built, and the first release of money from the Albanese Government’s signature housing fund will be given to states this week. Source: The West Australian.