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Active4Vocations team members Anthony Sciberras, Colleen Nicholas and Karen Rogan are ready for the City2Surf fun run this weekend (CatholicOutlook)

A team taking part in the annual City2Surf fun run in Sydney this Sunday will be raising awareness about Catholic vocations. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Colleen Nicholas is one of the nine parishioners who will walk the 14km to raise awareness for vocations as well as funds for seminarians studying at Parramatta Diocese’s Holy Spirit Seminary on their journey to become priests.

A parishioner at Sacred Heart Luddenham-Warragamba for 25 years and parish secretary for 18, Ms Nicholas decided to take part in the event when approached by Menard Gaspi, the seminarian on placement at her parish.

“Since Menard’s been with us, he’s started a youth Mass and two choirs,” she said. “He’s really good at getting people involved in nurturing faith and community.

“I see how dedicated our diocese’s young seminarians are, and it’s good for people to know the kind of work they are doing and will continue to do.”

Despite not liking crowds, Ms Nicholas is looking forward to the City2Surf atmosphere and showing her support for the Holy Spirit Seminarians as part of the Parramatta Catholic Foundation’s #Active4Vocations team.

As well as parishioners, the team will be joined by Holy Spirit seminary rector and three seminarians. Parishioners from a number of other parishes are also taking part.

With a target of $15,000, the #Active4Vocations has already raised more than $22,000. Details:


Sacred Heart parishioners sign up for fun run to support seminarians (Catholic Outlook)