“Modern Slavery: Closer Than You Think” is the theme for the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) members and national committee conference, taking place in Sydney this week.
The conference, at St Joseph’s, Baulkham Hills, is being held face-to-face for the first time in four years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The conference has so far explored the exploitation of seasonal workers in the agriculture sector. Fr Peter O’Neill ssc, Columban Regional Director of Oceania and ACRATH’s representative on the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme Agriculture Committee, shared his insights on the issue.
The topic follows on from ACRATH’s recent focus on the women migrant workers who are vulnerable to exploitation. In November last year, ACRATH held a 16 Days of Activism campaign, sharing videos and stories to create greater awareness of the issue.
Two leaders in modern slavery prevention, James Cockayne, Anti-Slavery Commissioner NSW, and Cary Duffy, Assistant Secretary, Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Transition Branch, will address the gathering. Participants are engaging in robust discussions and insightful sessions.
“It’s inspiring to connect with so many individuals who share our passion,” one attendee said. “Together, we can make a difference in tackling exploitation.”
ACRATH Members Reunite to Address Modern Slavery at Three-Day Gathering (ACRATH)