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Pope Francis at St Peter’s Basilica on Pentecost Sunday yesterday (Vatican Media)

Christians are called to proclaim the Gospel to everyone with gentleness and the power of the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis said on Pentecost yesterday. Source: CNA.

Speaking in St Peter’s Basilica, the Pope explained that the Holy Spirit’s “work in us is powerful, as symbolised by the signs of wind and fire”, but it is also gentle and “welcoming to all”.

“From the ‘upper room’ of this basilica, like the apostles, we too are being sent forth to proclaim the Gospel to all,” Pope Francis said in his homily.

“Thanks to the Spirit, we can and must do this with his own power and gentleness,” he added.

Pope Francis underlined that this power is not arrogant, calculating, or imposing but is “born of fidelity to the truth that the Spirit teaches us in our hearts”.

“Consequently, we do not give up but tirelessly proclaim peace to those who desire war, forgiveness to those who seek revenge, welcome and solidarity to those who bar their doors and erect barriers, life to those who choose death, respect to those who love to humiliate, insult, and reject, fidelity to those who would sever every bond, thereby confusing freedom with a bleak and empty individualism,” he said.

“Nor are we intimidated by hardship, derision, or opposition, which, today as always, are never lacking in the apostolate.”

In his homily, Pope Francis explained how the Holy Spirit helps us to overcome sinful passions, like impurity or envy, and then gently plants the seeds of virtue and helps them to grow.

“He lovingly protects these virtues, so that they can grow stronger and so that, after the toil of combatting evil, we may taste the sweetness of mercy and communion with God,” he said.

Pope Francis also prayed for the Holy Spirit to bring communion between Christians, harmony in families, and an end to the wars in Ukraine and the Holy Land.


Pope Francis on Pentecost: The Holy Spirit’s work in us is powerful (By Courtney Mares, CNA)