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Rishi Sunak has called a snap general election in the UK. (OSV News/Annegret Hilse-Reuters)

After British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a snap general election, Catholics have been urged to campaign on issues around “caring for the poorest and most marginalised people both here and overseas”. Source: The Tablet. 

CAFOD (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development) issued its call to action soon after Mr Sunak yesterday announced the general election is set for July 4.

“Our faith calls for us to speak in favour of the poorest and act against injustice, and this election time is an ideal moment to do that,” Cafod said in a statement. 

“We want a world where every member of our global family can live life without the suffering caused by poverty, and where everyone can flourish.

“So this election, join us in calling on our candidates to commit to making a difference to the lives of the most vulnerable people overseas through our actions in this country.”

The bishops of the Church of England launched a campaign yesterday to make prayer and participation central to the general election. 

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Justin Welby and Stephen Cottrell, urged people to set aside time to reflect and pray and issued a plea to everyone to put “good grace and a commitment to truth and integrity” at the heart of the campaign. 


Catholics urge voters to focus on poverty after Sunak calls general election (By Ruth Gledhill, The Tablet)