The International Eucharistic Congress to be held in Quito, Ecuador, this September will emphasise commitment to “life” and “fraternity”, according to the local archbishop. Source: CNA.
“I hope that it will be a congress that commits and leads to life, that it will not be a congress that remains in theoretical formulas but a congress that starts from reality, from the vision of the speakers that they have of reality, and that it carries their commitment of fraternity,” Archbishop Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus, SDB said.
During a Vatican press conference, Archbishop Espinoza noted that the September 8-15 congress coincides with a historical consecration 150 years ago, when Ecuador became the first nation to be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1874.
The theme of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress is “fraternity to heal the world.”
“The theme also evokes the title of the encyclical Fratelli Tutti and is inspired by the biblical text ‘You are all brothers and sisters,’” said Fr Juan Carlos Garzón, secretary-general of the congress.
“Therefore we are in ecclesial and universal harmony with the Holy Father and with Latin America.”
Pope Francis has appointed Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family, and Life, as his special envoy for the congress. Although the Pope will himself not attend — he will be in Asia for his apostolic journey — thousands of faithful and pilgrims are expected to gather in Ecuador’s capital city.
“We are expecting 5,500 people, which is the capacity of the convention centre in terms of the congress itself,” Archbishop Espinoza noted. “As for the big celebrations, we expect thousands of people to participate – possibly 30,000 or 40,000 people.”
Details: International Eucharist Congress website.
Archbishop shares key themes of upcoming International Eucharistic Congress in Ecuador (By Kate Quiñones, CNA)