A delegation of women involved in anti-trafficking in Oceania joined about 140 others at the Talitha Kum General Assembly in Rome to forge a five-year plan to combat modern slavery. Source: ACRATH.
Participants acknowledged the world had changed dramatically in the past five years.
They discussed the effects of war and climate change as a driving factor for people to leave their home countries, including those seeking seasonal work in Australia.
The general assembly, attended by 153 delegates from 71 countries, committed to three priorities for 2025-2030, which were discerned using the synodal method of “Conversation in the Spirit”.
These are: Systemic change in the face of new vulnerabilities; Holistic, survivor-centred approach and; Broadening collaboration and partnerships.
Sr Annette Arnold RSJ, Talitha Kum Oceania Regional Coordinator and Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) board member said the second priority would ensure organisations are “intentionally survivor-centred, survivor-informed, and trauma-sensitive – listening to their stories, consulting them in decision-making processes and putting them at the heart of our networks”.
She said putting survivors at the heart of ACRATH’s networks was challenging, but “a call that we need to keep reflecting on using Conversations in the Spirit”.
Several ACRATH members spoke at the General Assembly, focusing on the organisation’s companionship program, seasonal and supply chains.
Australians join global struggle against human trafficking (ACRATH)