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Newly elected British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer with his wife Victoria outside Number 10 Downing Street (Keir Starmer Facebook)

The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, has congratulated new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer after Labour’s historic election victory that saw many senior prominent Catholic MPs lose their seats. Source: The Tablet.

The Conservatives who failed to be re-elected include Jacob Rees Mogg, Therese Coffey and Alexander Stafford. Sir Iain Duncan Smith was among the few who survived.

In a letter to Mr Starmer, Cardinal Nichols, who is also the President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales, wrote: “On behalf of the Catholic community in England and Wales I should like to congratulate you on your victory in yesterday’s general election. I assure you of my good wishes as you take up your new responsibilities in forming and leading a government.”

The Cardinal, acknowledging the challenges of leadership, said the Catholic Church stands ready to work constructively with the government in matters of education and other areas that serve the common good.

“The Catholic Church has a long record of partnership with the UK Government, not least in the area of education, where we run over two thousand schools in conjunction with the state. We look forward to this continuing and to working constructively in this and other areas with you, your ministers, and officials.

“Your previous comments about wanting a government which works with churches and faith communities have been most welcome, and I want you to know that we stand ready to play our part.

“I know that the road ahead is, perhaps, not the easiest one but I wish you well as you embark upon it. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.”


Cardinal congratulates Labour on historic victory (By Ruth Gledhill, The Tablet)


Catholic ‘big beasts’ wiped out in Labour landslide (The Catholic Herald)