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The CatholicCare NT office in Santa Teresa was destroyed by fire (Facebook/LtyentyeVision)

A remote community in the Northern Territory is without a regional office for CatholicCare NT after the office caught fire, as police say they’re yet to determine the cause of the blaze. Source: NT News.

On Friday, September 8, a fire tore through the CatholicCare office in Santa Teresa (Ltyentye Apurte).

A Northern Territory Police spokesperson said the fire occurred at about 7.40pm.

“It was confirmed no one was in the building and no injuries were reported to police,” they said.

“Police and a fire investigator are determining the exact cause of the fire.”

NT News reports the fire was accidentally lit.

A Facebook post from CatholicCare NT-run LtyentyeVision said the office “caught ablaze and sustained serious damage”.

“It was a great office with plenty of memories but our connection to community has always extended well beyond the building in which we are situated,” the post said.

“No one was harmed and no other properties took damage.”

CatholicCare will now operate out of the “old op shop/LtyentyeVision studio space” in Santa Teresa, the post said.


Santa Teresa CatholicCare NT office burnt to the ground, police yet to determine cause (By Gera Kazakov, NT News)