Catholic organisations across Australia are partnering with a national not-for-profit to put life-saving devices in the hands of people experiencing domestic violence. Source: The Catholic Leader.
Both Catholic Healthcare and Brisbane Archdiocese’s Centacare partnered with DV Safe Phone, which has delivered more than 10,000 mobile phones into the hands of people who need them.
Phones are distributed through frontline agencies and service providers, including Centacare’s domestic and family violence services in Maroochydore and Hervey Bay.
Centacare Sunshine Coast was the recipient of the 10,000th phone in November.
“The phones we receive from DV Safe Phone have been refurbished, tested and erased of all previous data,” Centacare area manager Adam Beck said.
“Each phone is provided with a charger and cable, a new SIM card and phone number, and $20 of pre-paid phone credit, all wrapped in a zip-lock bag.
“When someone accesses our service in crisis, we can give them a phone, no questions asked, no strings attached.
“There’s no registration process, no forms to complete and given we’re provided with a variety of phone models, there’s no training needed.
“For example, if a woman walks into our office who has just fled a violent relationship without any of their belongings – they might be living in their car or in the process of moving to emergency accommodation – we can supply them with a phone to ensure they can connect with their family, workplace, police and other service providers safely.
“For those experiencing abuse at the hands of their partner, a mobile phone can absolutely save their life.”
DV Safe Phone collects, repairs and distributes free mobile phones to victims of domestic violence through a nationwide network of DV agencies, police stations, hospitals and safe houses.
Catholic Healthcare IT employee Alison Mitchell proposed the initiative to donate unused mobile phones to DV Safe Phone, which reflects the organisation’s values of compassion and courage.
“What I like about the DV Safe Phone program is that it provides domestic violence victims with recycled phones free from any previous tracking risks, connecting them to family and safety,” she said.
Catholic Healthcare has nine donation boxes located at various locations in NSW.
Partnerships with DV Safe Phone helping to save the lives of people experiencing domestic violence (The Catholic Leader)