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Bishops Funeral

Diocese farewells Bishop Kevin Manning 

Hundreds of mourners paid their respects to Bishop Kevin Manning, the second Bishop of Parramatta, during his Mass of Christian Burial on Friday at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Bishops Funeral

Details released for funeral of Bishop Manning

Details have been confirmed for the funeral of Bishop Kevin Manning, the second Bishop of Parramatta. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Bishops Funeral

Much-loved humble pastor and ‘man of encounter’ farewelled

Archbishop Francis Carroll was remembered as a man with enormous capacity for the encounter of friendship at the Pontifical Requiem Mass held at St Christopher’s Cathedral yesterday. Source: Catholic Voice.


Melbourne farewells ‘radio priest’

Melbourne’s “radio priest”, Fr Gerard Dowling, was farewelled at a Requiem Mass held yesterday at St Patrick’s Cathedral — the same place he was ordained to the priesthood 65 years ago. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Bill Hayden remembered as a ‘son of God’ 

Labor luminary and former governor-general Bill Hayden was farewelled by family, friends and political heavyweights at a state Funeral Mass at St Mary’s Church, Ipswich, on Friday. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Europe Funeral

Parishioners in Ireland to preside at funerals

Church leaders in Ireland are hopeful that more parishioners will step up and preside at funerals to ease the burden on overworked priests, with two dioceses already commissioning laypeople to take charge where there is no priest. Source: Irish Catholic.

Funeral In The Dioceses

Final act of mercy brings dignity to Sydney four who died in poverty

Four Sydneysiders who died without the means for a burial were honoured at the Bringing Them Home interment service for the homeless at Rookwood Catholic Cemetery, led by Sydney Auxiliary Bishop Terence Brady. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Funeral People

‘Jewel of Alice Springs’ celebrated at state funeral

Hundreds of mourners gathered in a sea of purple, blue and yellow in Alice Springs to celebrate the “jewel” of Alice Springs, Dr MK Turner, at a state funeral celebrated by Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci yesterday. Source: ABC News.


‘People’s priest’ Fr Bob farewelled at state funeral

The state funeral of Melbourne priest and social justice campaigner Fr Bob Maguire was held in Melbourne on Friday. Source: