The Catholic bishops of Oceania have concluded their week-long gathering in Fiji with a missioning Mass, being encouraged to respond to the hopes and challenges they shared with hearts of mission and service.
Dozens of bishops attended the quadrennial assembly of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania, which concluded on Friday evening. The gathering drew bishops from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and many Pacific nations.
In his homily, Bishop Peter Brown CSsR of Samoa-Pago Pago urged his brother bishops – at the end of a week in which they often focused on God’s creation – to reflect on their place in the Church.
He said a fellow bishop recently shared the story of someone whose land and life were being threatened by rising sea levels and pleaded with the bishop to help. Such stories of urgency, he said, should invoke bishops to act on behalf of their people – “to help people to find a place to stand”.
“May we go from here with hope that, through our leadership together with the People of God, we can find room for all – a place where they can stand,” he said.
“We return to our homes, I hope, with a little more unease than when we arrived. It’s a good sign. You have been moved and challenged. That unease is an open door for the Lord to work through us.”
A key task of the assembly was to review and approve Oceania’s response to the Working Document for the Continental Stage of the Synod for a Synodal Church. The bishops were pleased that, “guided by the voices of the People of God in Oceania, we progressed the work already undertaken to ensure a distinctively Oceanic voice will continue to resonate through the Synod documents”.
That response will be finalised and published in coming weeks.
The next assembly of the Federation will be held in Australia in 2027.
Bishops will carry shared mission home from Oceania assembly (FCBCO)
Oceania bishops stress environment, youth and faith formation (Crux)
Bishop Tarabay: ‘A synodal Church on a journey of conversion’ (Vatican News)
Synod: Oceania Assembly listened to cry of the poor, the earth, the ocean (Vatican News)