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Oceania Papal Trip

Pope will find ‘strong, multicultural’ Church in PNG

As Pope Francis prepares to visit Papua New Guinea in September, the Superior General of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart says the pontiff will “find a Church with a strong practice of faith, but in the style of Papua New Guinea”. Source: Vatican News.

Bishops Oceania

Former migrant worker named as Archbishop of Guam

The vice-president of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania, Bishop Ryan Jimenez, has been appointed by Pope Francis to be the new Archbishop of Agaña, Guam. Source: CathNews New Zealand.

Climate Oceania

Oceania speaks to the world about climate change

The Australian embassy to the Holy See has hosted a conference in Rome on the effect of climate change on vulnerable populations among the Pacific Island nations. Source: CNA. 

Oceania Papal Trip Pope Francis

Francis to visit Papua New Guinea in August

Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania president Bishop Anthony Randazzo has welcomed the news that Pope Francis will visit Papua New Guinea in August. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


‘New normal’ in Port Moresby as soldiers and police patrol streets

Soldiers and police are patrolling the streets of Port Moresby as people join long lines for fuel after Papua New Guinea declared a state of emergency in response to a mass outbreak of rioting and violence. Source: SBS News.

Charity Oceania

Faith-based organisations key to advancing gender equality in PNG: Report

Caritas Australia has released a report on the role of faith-based organisations and leaders in furthering women’s economic empowerment in Papua New Guinea.

Oceania Synod

Oceania’s diverse Church to be represented at Synod

The president of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania says the 10 non-bishop members from the region chosen for the upcoming Synod of Bishops will help amplify the voice of the Catholic population.

Oceania Synod

Oceania bishops publish response to Synod of Bishops document

Oceania bishops say their people’s reflections for the Synod of Bishops for a Synodal Church left them feeling “peace and joy”, but also called them to be prophetic and ready to “model ourselves on the love we proclaim”. Source: FCBCO.

Bishops Environment Oceania

Oceania bishops call for ‘deeper ecological conversion’

The Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania has released a statement focused on the oceans, which speaks of the need for “deeper ecological conversion” and to embrace “the challenge of integral ecology”.