Two Melbourne Catholic organisations plan to merge in order to increase their reach to support older men at risk of homelessness. Source: VMCH.
VMCH (Villa Maria Catholic Homes) and Corpus Christi Community Greenvale (CCCG) announced their intention to merge last week.
CCCG is a residential care home about 20 kilometres north of Melbourne that provides accommodation and support for marginalised older men with a history of homelessness, complex health needs, or addiction. CCCG was founded by St Teresa of Kolkata in 1974 and then supported by the Jesuits and Sisters of Mercy under the auspices of the Melbourne Archdiocese.
VMCH Chair Julien O’Connell AO and CCCG Chair Tom Barry said VMCH and CCCG have a long history of working together, both guided by Catholic social teaching.
“We share a common mission and values to deliver compassionate care for people in need, particularly the vulnerable and marginalised,” Mr O’Connell said.
“VMCH’s fantastic reach and resources within the aged, disability and affordable housing and community services sectors will be an asset to CCCG residents.”
Mr Barry said as Australia’s housing crisis grows, it is “important to ensure CCCG’s specialist work continues for those affected by homelessness and disadvantage and is strengthened within a highly experienced and well-resourced organisation”.
VMCH will provide governance and operational support, with CCCG becoming part of VMCH’s residential aged care portfolio, supporting its mission of fulfilling the caring ministry of Jesus, by creating genuine places of belonging and compassion for all in its care.
The move also aligns directly with VMCH’s strategic goal to “grow accommodation and care services to meet the needs of marginalised and vulnerable people”.
A due diligence process is in place between both organisations, before a final recommendation will be made by both boards. Approval will then be sought from Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli later this year, with a view to the merger taking full effect by January 2024.
Catholic organisations unite to support older men at risk of homelessness (VMCH)