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Public housing towers in Melbourne (Bigstock)

The Victorian Government is forging ahead with plans to demolish three public housing towers subject to a class action seeking to stop the redevelopment. Source: The Guardian. 

The move was described by a lawyer for residents as an example of them being “treated as an afterthought” after the Supreme Court ordered the class action could proceed to a two-day trial earlier this month.

Inner Melbourne Community Legal said it was notified by the Victorian Government solicitor’s office that Homes Victoria – the body that oversees social housing in the state – would sign a contract for demolition works to commence “on or after 19 July”.

It said the contract would apply to the first three occupied towers slated for demolition that are the focus of the class action, two in North Melbourne and one in Flemington.

Louisa Bassini, the managing lawyer at Inner Melbourne Community Legal, said it was disappointing the Government was “steamrolling ahead” with plans to raze the buildings despite the ongoing class action.

“The concerns of the residents have been treated as an afterthought from the outset. Even now, when the courts are about to review this … they’re proceeding at full pace,” Ms Bassini said.

The redevelopment of the state’s 44 high-rise public housing towers was a key pillar of the state Government’s housing statement, unveiled by the then premier, Daniel Andrews, last September, and would involve the relocation of more than 10,000 residents.

But according to the plan, only 11,000 of the 30,000 people living at the estates by 2051 would be in “social housing” – an increase of just 10 per cent on current figures. The remaining 19,000 residents were expected to be private owners and “affordable” housing tenants.

Even those within Labor Party ranks have been pushing for an increase in the amount of social housing on the estate.

The court will consider whether Homes Victoria made the decision to demolish the towers properly and with appropriate consideration for the human rights of residents.


Melbourne public housing towers demolition to go ahead despite residents’ class action (By Benita Kolovos, The Guardian)