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Adelaide Fire Weekend participants Talia Yates, Sharina Rabusic, Mirachel Rabusic and Julia Clark (The Southern Cross)

Young people, families and participants of all ages gathered for two days of deepening their faith at the Adelaide Fire Weekend. Source: The Southern Cross.

Now in its fifth year, the event was held at Blackfriars Priory School during the July school holidays and featured a program of interstate and local speakers, praise and worship and the sacraments.

Hosted by the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community, the Fire Weekend includes prayer experiences, inspiring workshops, keynote speakers and gathering as a vibrant Catholic community.

For the event organiser, Missionaries of God’s Love Sr Bernadette Toohey, the Fire Weekend helped to “fill a longing within people for deep connection with God and one another” and was a sign of great hope for people in challenging times.

“I noticed that people arrived at the weekend very enthusiastic and hungry for everything on offer: for good teaching, for community, for more of God’s presence in their life and I think they went home having received all of these,” she said.

“Many people received healing, encouragement and hope for the future through the weekend, which I think is really needed amidst the difficulties many people are currently facing.”

Sr Bernadette said after seeing the success of the weekend at drawing people from all over Adelaide and beyond, and having such a positive impact, the team was looking forward to bringing the weekend back in 2025.


Weekend fires up hope and worship in Adelaide (The Southern Cross)