Integrating existing and emerging ministries is the main feature of the National Centre for Evangelisation’s new website. Source: The Bridge.
The website has been arranged to host a broader range of ministries and opportunities under the responsibility of the Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry.
It has been developed to host a growing number of resources and experiences from across Australia.
Building upon the bishops’ statement “Evangelisation: Encounter, Discipleship, Mission”, the website offers insights into each element of evangelisation. Further material is under development, including on charism and co-responsibility.
The website highlights and celebrates how the Church exists and supports different contexts of the People of God, and ways in which culture and faith intersect in today’s world – for example, sports, digital culture, science and the arts.
The website has sought to connect and collaborate once-siloed ministries, while offering the Church new pathways to evangelise culture.
The NCE also has updated its logo, grounded in the preamble of the Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry’s mandate.
The key elements of the new logo include:
The Cross of Christ (signifying encounter with Jesus), the Holy Spirit (red, signifying discipleship) and Missionary (yellow light shining at the peripheries).
The NCE will continue to share new resources and Australian experiences via its newsletter and the website, adding to more than 200 articles hosted on the website.
NCE launches updated logo and website (The Bridge)