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Church in Congo calls for more help in fight against deadly viral disease

As Congo remained the epicentre of the latest mpox outbreak, Church leaders in the country called for increased action and expressed concern at the surging cases. Source: NCR Online.

Africa Food Security

Catholic charity provides meals for children hit by Ethiopian crisis

Still reeling from the aftermath of a brutal war, the northern Ethiopian town of Tigray is also facing an unfolding humanitarian crisis driven by drought and crop failure. Source: Crux.


Cameroon churches accused of ‘cultural appropriation’

The Wimbum people in the Diocese of Kumbo, in the north-west of Cameroon, have petitioned the Vatican over an alleged “desecration of their culture by the Church”. Source: The Tablet.

Africa Jubilee 2025

African leaders seek debt relief ahead of Jubilee Year

Church leaders in Africa have called for large-scale debt cancellation to relieve the continent’s crushing debt burden. Source: The Tablet.


‘Deceived’ Nigerian bishop withdraws ordination certificates

A Nigerian bishop has withdrawn the ordination certificates of four men he ordained as deacons on July 12 after it was revealed he had been presented with allegedly forged documents claiming the men were qualified for holy orders. Source: CNA.


Without the Church in Africa ‘there would be no life, no hope and no future’

A Congolese cardinal has described the Church in Africa as “a champion of human development”, saying the Church is making up for state deficiencies in many places. Source: OSV News.


Church in Congo distances itself from rebel group

Church leaders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have distanced themselves from the impression of lending support to insurrection after a video of a politician who heads an armed rebel group speaking at a Catholic parish went viral. Source: Crux.


Bishops warn EU deal could push abortion, gender rights on Africa

Nigeria’s bishops are calling for changes to an economic cooperation agreement between the European Union and Africa, claiming it would force African nations to adopt abortion and gender rights contrary to their cultural and religious values. Source: Crux.


Call for peace after deadly protests in Kenya

Kenya’s Catholic bishops have called for peace after the nation’s capital descended into chaos on Monday as protests over legislation dubbed a finance bill left 22 dead and dozens injured. Source: NCR Online.