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Clean slate: After 10-year wait, work begins on cathedral roof

For 10 years, James Henry has been waiting to finish re-slating the roof of Adelaide’s St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, using material sourced from the same Welsh mine as the original. Source: The Southern Cross.

Architecture Europe

Notre Dame chief architect reveals devotion to Our Lady

The chief architect of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris says Our Lady guided the restoration of the 861-year-old cathedral following the fire that ravaged the building in April 2019. Source: CNA.


Making a French connection with historic cathedral

Visitors should be able to visit the restored Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris by the end of 2024, but for eager pilgrims and tourists who can’t wait, a new LEGO set may do in the meantime. Source: National Catholic Register.

Architecture Vatican

Restoration works begin on Bernini’s baldachin ahead of Jubilee Year

Scaffolding is going up around the 30-metre-tall baldachin over the main altar in St Peter’s Basilica to allow restorers to start cleaning, repairing and revitalising this masterpiece ahead of the Church’s Jubilee Year in 2025. Source: CNS.

Architecture Vatican

Canopy over main altar of St Peter’s Basilica to undergo restoration

The nearly 400-year-old sculpted canopy towering over the main altar of St Peter’s Basilica will be surrounded by scaffolding for most of 2024 as it is washed, repaired and restored. Source: CNS.

Architecture History

Sr Anne, 92, heads campaign to save Tiwi Islands church

Sr Anne Gardiner OLSH has one wish while she’s still alive – to see the first church where she served on the Tiwi Islands, off the coast of Darwin, restored to its former glory. Source: ABC News.

Architecture Western Australia

New foundation aims to rejuvenate regional areas

The John Hawes Foundation, which aims to rejuvenate regional areas and enhance community wellbeing, was launched recently at St Francis Xavier Cathedral in Geraldton, Western Australia. Source: The eRecord.

Architecture In The Dioceses

Geraldton Diocese working to preserve buildings designed by architect priest

In a town of just 200 people in Western Australia’s grain belt sits a tall, white church that seemingly has more visitors interested in its architecture than worship these days. Source: ABC News.

Architecture In The Dioceses

History made as Goulburn’s Old Cathedral reopens it doors

After a 40-year renovation and in the year of its 150th anniversary, the doors of Sts Peter and Paul’s Old Cathedral in Goulburn were officially reopened to the public yesterday. Source: Catholic Voice.