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Abuse crisis Europe

French bishops request investigation into abuse claims against prominent priest

The bishops of France have formally requested prosecutors launch a criminal investigation into sexual abuse allegations against Abbé Pierre, a prominent priest who founded the poverty ministry Emmaus. Source: CNA.

Architecture Europe

Notre Dame chief architect reveals devotion to Our Lady

The chief architect of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris says Our Lady guided the restoration of the 861-year-old cathedral following the fire that ravaged the building in April 2019. Source: CNA.


Italian nun accused of working for Mafia placed under house arrest

A religious sister was placed under house arrest in northern Italy after a nearly four-month investigation by prosecutors revealed she allegedly used her prison ministry to connect local mafia bosses with inmates. Source: Catholic Review.


World leaders gather for reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral

The doors of the newly restored Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris were officially reopened to the public during a ceremony on Saturday, five years after a blaze ravaged the iconic structure’s roof, frame, and spire. Source: CNA.


Macron ‘puts on a show’ at Notre Dame Cathedral

French President Emmanuel Macron made a televised tour of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris a week before its official reopening, revealing its new interior to the world before the formal liturgy marking its restoration after its 2019 fire. Source: The Tablet.


Spanish bishops affirm ‘you can’t be guilty of someone else’s sins’

The Spanish Bishops Conference has published a doctrinal note criticising the practice of so-called “intergenerational healing” or “healing of the family tree”. Source: National Catholic Register.


Former activist apologises for 2013 Notre Dame protest

A decade after Marguerite Stern entered Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, screaming and topless, to demonstrate her hatred of the Church and the Pope, she has apologised to Catholics for her actions. Source: OSV News.

Europe Euthanasia

Irish bishops ‘totally reject’ the legalisation of assisted suicide

The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference “totally rejects” a recommendation the incoming government should legalise assisted suicide in restricted circumstances. Source: The Tablet.


Church and state clash over entry fee for Notre Dame

France’s culture minister on Monday locked horns with the Church on whether tourists should pay to enter Notre Dame Cathedral when it reopens next month. Source: