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Appointment Bishops

Church welcomes appointment of new Bishop of Bunbury

Pope Francis has appointed Perth-based priest Fr George Kolodziej SDS to be the fifth Bishop of Bunbury. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Bishops Social Justice

Bali 5 message Bishop Harris waited two decades to hear

On Sunday afternoon, Townsville Bishop Timothy Harris received an anonymous text message he’d spent nearly two decades waiting for: “Wheels up, the Bali 5 are on their way back to Australia”. Source: The Guardian.

Bishops Liturgy

Bishops collaborate in international project to update Lectionary

The bishops’ conferences of Australia, Ireland and New Zealand are pooling their expertise and resources in a joint Lectionary project. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Bishops Eastern Rite

Pope elevates Australian-based Ukrainian bishop to world’s youngest cardinal

Pope Francis has elevated the Eparch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia, Bishop Mykola Bychok, to the position of cardinal, during a ceremony at St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. Source: ABC News.

Bishops In The Dioceses

Bishop Norton will bring ‘enthusiasm and vision’ to the Broome Diocese

Australia’s Catholic bishops have welcomed the installation of the Bishop Tim Norton SVD as the third Bishop of Broome. Source: ACBC.

Bishops In The Dioceses

Broome-bound Bishop Norton farewelled at Brisbane Mass

Brisbane Cathedral parishioners, clergy, colleagues, friends and community members sent Broome Bishop-designate Tim Norton SVD with their blessings at a Mass in St Stephen’s Cathedral on Friday. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Appointment Bishops

New bishops reflect ‘multicultural face of Church in Australia’

Pope Francis on Friday appointed Fr Thinh Nguyen and Fr Rene Ramirez RCJ new auxiliary bishops for the Melbourne Archdiocese. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Bishop will be ‘a cardinal from Australia and for Australia’

Cardinal-designate Bishop Mykola Bychok has given a humble and uplifting address to the November plenary meeting of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in Sydney.

Bishops Vatican

Archbishop Costelloe elected to Synod Council

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has been elected to the Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod. Source: ACBC Media Blog.