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Bishops Funeral

Diocese farewells Bishop Kevin Manning 

Hundreds of mourners paid their respects to Bishop Kevin Manning, the second Bishop of Parramatta, during his Mass of Christian Burial on Friday at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Bishops Funeral

Details released for funeral of Bishop Manning

Details have been confirmed for the funeral of Bishop Kevin Manning, the second Bishop of Parramatta. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Bishops Charity

Bishops call on Labor to reject Productivity Commission report

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference says the Albanese Government should reject the Productivity Commission’s recommendations to exclude religious organisations from deductible gift recipient status and to abolish Basic Religious Charities.

Bishops Tributes

Bishop ‘served the Lord and his Church with courage, creativity and fidelity’

Bishop Emeritus Kevin Manning, the second Bishop of Parramatta, died yesterday, aged 90. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Bishops Oceania

Former migrant worker named as Archbishop of Guam

The vice-president of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania, Bishop Ryan Jimenez, has been appointed by Pope Francis to be the new Archbishop of Agaña, Guam. Source: CathNews New Zealand.


Pell family has no complaints about Cardinal’s medical treatment in Italy

Cardinal George Pell’s family has no ­complaints about his medical treatment in Rome’s Salvator Mundi Hospital and the autopsy report of his death, which they have had translated and scrutinised by Australian doctors. Source: The Australian.

Bishops Global Church

Vatican doctrinal chief ordains first bishop for British Ordinariate

Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo has participated in the ordination of the first bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in London. Source: Catholic Herald.

Appointment Bishops

Social outreach leader to become Bishop of Cairns 

Pope Francis last night appointed Melbourne Archdiocese Vicar General Fr Joe Caddy as the eighth Bishop of Cairns. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Bishops Pacific

Oceania bishops consider pastoral responses to Pacific migration

Migration across the Pacific and the pastoral care of migrants emerged as key points of discussion at last week’s executive meeting of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania in Wellington, New Zealand. Source: Broken Bay Diocese.