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Central America

Pope’s message of support to people of Nicaragua as regime curtails religious celebrations

In a moving letter, Pope Francis expressed his closeness with the people of Nicaragua as Central American bishops called for a day of prayer for the country amid constitutional changes that will lead into an even darker dictatorship. Source: Catholic Review.

Central America

El Salvador to try former president for 1989 killing of six Jesuits

A judge in El Salvador has ruled that the country’s former president and 10 others will stand trial for the wartime killing of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her teenage daughter in 1989. Source: NCR Online. 

Central America

Nicaragua expels president of bishops’ conference

Nicaragua’s Sandinista Government has expelled the president of the country’s bishops conference, Bishop Carlos Enrique Herrera of Jinotega. Source: The Tablet.

Central America

US pressure sees Nicaragua release 135 political prisoners

Following diplomatic pressure from the United States, the Nicaraguan Government has released 135 political prisoners. Source: Vatican News.

Central America Religious Freedom

Nicaraguan government extinguishes legal status of religious orders

The Nicaraguan Government has extinguished the legal status of more than 25 Catholic organisations, including religious orders, another diocesan Caritas chapter and lay Catholic groups, as part of an attack on civil society with the closure of 1500 nongovernmental organisations. Source: OSV News.

Central America

Ortega continues attacks on Catholic Church

Nicaragua has cancelled the legal status of Caritas in the Matagalpa Diocese in the latest attack against the Catholic Church in the country. Source: Crux.

Central America

Church in Nicaragua under renewed assault from regime

At least 11 clergy have been detained by police and paramilitaries over a weeklong assault in northern Nicaragua, depleting the Matagalpa Diocese – whose bishop lives in exile. Source: OSV News.

Central America

Cardinal who disappeared apologises for ‘stupid prank’

Cardinal José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuán, the bishop of the Diocese of David in Panama, apologised at the end of Sunday Mass in the city’s cathedral after having been missing for two days but found safe and sound earlier in the week. Source: CNA.

Central America

Panama police launch investigation into disappearance of cardinal

The Diocese of David in Panama yesterday announced the disappearance of its bishop, Cardinal José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuán, in unknown circumstances. Source: Vatican News.