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Climate Media

Civic values lower among social media news readers

People who believe climate change is a conspiracy get most of their information about news and current events from commercial and social media, according to a Monash University study. Source: The Guardian.


Cop out: Caritas says COP29 failed to address needs of vulnerable nations

Caritas Australia has expressed disappointment at the outcomes of the United Nations’ COP29 climate conference, saying commitments to climate finance fell short of addressing the urgent needs of vulnerable nations, particularly in the Pacific.


Caritas welcomes Australia’s contribution to climate fund at COP29

Caritas Australia has welcomed the Albanese Government’s $50 million contribution to the loss and damage fund at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP29.

Climate Pacific

Edmund Rice program to support young Pacific climate leaders

The Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education has launched a program to support young climate leaders in Kiribati and Tuvalu to advocate for their Pacific home in Australia, the region and beyond. Source: The Good Oil.

Climate Pacific

Pacific nations facing $2.3 billion climate bill

The annual finance needs for Pacific nations facing climate mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage costs could, conservatively, be about $US1.5 billion ($2.3 billion), a new report reveals. Source: Caritas Australia.

Climate Ecology

Selfishness blocking progress on climate change, cardinal says

Efforts to slow climate change and mitigate its impact, particularly on the poor, are being thwarted by selfishness, the Vatican secretary of state has told world leaders at the COP29 climate conference. Source: Angelus News.


Church groups commit to biodiversity at COP16

The Vatican and other Catholic groups sent representatives to join the 23,000 delegates at the UN Biodiversity Conference in Colombia. Source: The Tablet.

Climate Interfaith

Faiths unite to call for clean energy

Religious leaders, parishioners and climate action enthusiasts from Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Anglican, Uniting Church and other faith communities united yesterday in the name of clean energy. Source: The Southern Cross.

Climate Religious Orders

Sisters launch community resource on climate crisis

The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart in collaboration with the Sisters of St Joseph Lochinvar have released a new community resource for the Season of Creation, September 1 to October 4.Â