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ACCC to block Catholic hospitals from boycotting private health insurers

The competition regulator intends to block Catholic Health Australia’s private hospital members from collectively boycotting large private health insurers, should negotiations for increased hospital funding arrangements fail. Source: The Australian.


Insurers ‘pricing out’ Australians from quality private health insurance

New data analysis by Catholic Health Australia reveals corporate health insurers are pricing Australians out of quality private health insurance amidst a cost-of-living crisis.


Catholic sector backs AMA push for greater access to out-of-hospital care

Catholic Health Australia is supporting the Australian Medical Association’s call for greater access to out-of-hospital care for patients, outlined in its position paper released yesterday.


Health care group serves hotel-style room service 

St John of God Health Care is the first private health group to introduce room service catering as a nationwide model.

Digital Life Health

New website makes it easier to open ‘digital front door’

Calvary Health Care has launched a new website, making it easier for patients, residents, clients, providers, carers and the general public to digitally connect with its full range of healthcare services.


Government report confirms private hospitals in trouble: CHA

Catholic Health Australia has welcomed the federal government’s report on the Private Hospital Sector Financial Viability Health Check, released on Friday, which it says confirms the sector is facing serious viability issues.


Government urged to reverse decision on critical medicine

Catholic Health Australia is urging the Albanese Government to review its decision to remove fibrin sealants from the Prescribed List tomorrow, warning it could severely disrupt essential surgeries and increase costs.

Cost Of Living Health

Wealthy, low-income Australians avoiding GP appointments as cost of living bites

Even wealthy Australians are cutting back on doctor’s appointments due to the cost of living, with new data showing the proportion of people in New South Wales who put off a GP visit because it was too expensive increased by 246 per cent over the past four years. Source: The Guardian. 


Mater surgeon brings smiles to the faces of 30,000 children

Mater surgeon Richard Lewandowski has brought smiles to the faces of more than 30,000 children around the world. Source: The Catholic Leader.