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New partnership to support mothers and babies in Egypt

Australia’s Critical Care Research Group has announced a new partnership with Rome’s Bambino Gesu Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Cairo’s Human Fraternity Foundation to help support mothers, babies and pregnant women in Egypt. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Appointment Health

Catholic health sector ‘strengthened’ by appointment of new director

Catholic Health Australia says the appointment of Katharine Bassett as its new director of health policy is a “further strengthening of its advocacy work for a fairer, more equitable health system”.

Health Victoria

Church takes Victorian Government to court over land acquisition

Church lawyers have taken the Allen Government to Victoria’s highest planning tribunal over the state’s newest public hospital, claiming it was severely shortchanged when it gave up the land. Source: ABC News.


Nation’s health ministers seek strong anti-vaping laws

Strong vaping laws to prevent devastating health impacts on children are being pursued by Australia’s health ministers. Source: The New Daily.

Aged Care Health

Catholic sector calls on private health insurers to fund care at home

Catholic Health Australia is calling on private health insurers to fund care at home, saying millions of Australians are missing out on crucial services while insurers make record profits. Source: The Australian.


New directors join board of Catholic Health Australia

Three new directors have joined the Board of Catholic Health Australia, further strengthening the governance of the peak body which represents the largest group of non- government hospitals, aged care and community care service providers in Australia.

Health Politics

World-first laws banning disposable vapes to go before parliament

Legislation for a world-first ban on disposable vapes is set to pass federal Parliament’s lower house within weeks, as public health bodies urge politicians to heed their warnings on what they say are the catastrophic health dangers of e-cigarettes. Source: The Australian.


New video outlines St Vincent’s ‘refreshed’ strategy

St Vincent’s, Australia’s largest not-for-profit health and aged care services provider, has launched a new video to announce its refreshed strategic vision and direction. 

Health Pope Francis

Medical advances must be at service of those most in need: Pope 

Cutting-edge science and medical research cannot benefit only the privileged few but must be placed at the service of those most in need, Pope Francis said on Saturday. Source: NCR Online.