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In The Dioceses Vocations

Brisbane seminary welcomes 10 men at weekend opening Mass

Church leaders say the Spirit is at work as Brisbane welcomes one of the biggest seminary intakes in a generation. Source: The Catholic Leader.

In The Dioceses Jubilee 2025

South Australian pilgrims think global but walk local

The major destination for the Jubilee Year might be Rome but one Adelaide parish has led the way in localising the theme of “pilgrims of hope” by walking to St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral. Source: The Southern Cross.

In The Dioceses Priesthood

Archbishop Fisher welcomes largest intake of first-year seminarians in eight years  

Sydney’s Seminary of the Good Shepherd has welcomed its largest intake of first-year seminarians since 2017. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

In The Dioceses Ordination

Melbourne’s new bishops ‘called to be true witnesses of Christ’s love’

St Patrick’s Cathedral in East Melbourne will host the episcopal consecration of two new bishops for the Melbourne Archdiocese tomorrow, marking one of the largest gathering of Catholics in the archdiocese in more than seven years.

In The Dioceses Sacraments

Diocese where attendance at midweek Mass is on the rise

The number of people attending Mass on weekdays is on the rise in many parishes across the Parramatta Diocese in Sydney. Source: Catholic Outlook.

In The Dioceses Leadership

Radio days taught new vicar general to expect the unexpected

What Brisbane Archdiocese’s new vicar general Fr Peter Dillon enjoyed most about his days producing and presenting a talk-back radio segment in the 1990s was the unexpected. Source: The Catholic Leader.

In The Dioceses People

Couple driven to visit all 87 churches in their archdiocese

What started out as a shared love of country drives has turned into an adventure around the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese for Michael and Erica de Raadt. Source: Catholic Voice.

In The Dioceses Sport

Darwin locals put their faith in sport

Catholic sports fans in Darwin are combining their love of sport with their faith by training to become sports chaplains. Source: The Bridge.

In The Dioceses

Garden trail pays tribute to Josephites

A garden that has honoured the legacy of St Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph in the Victorian town of Numurkah for over 130 years has officially opened. Source: Sandhurst Diocese.