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In The Dioceses Liturgy

Young Catholics choose ‘divine and uncompromising’ Latin Mass

A Melbourne church that holds Mass in Latin has been described as one of the fastest-growing parishes in the archdiocese. Why are so many young Catholics travelling hours to get there, asks Angus Mackintosh. Source: ABC News.

In The Dioceses Synodality

‘Think tank’ helps develop pastoral plan for diocese

Hundreds of people across the Parramatta Diocese have given feedback and practical ideas for the development of a new pastoral plan for the diocese. Source: Catholic Outlook.

In The Dioceses Priesthood

Townsville’s Catholic community welcomes new priest

Townsville’s newest priest, Fr William Brennan, says he has a love for preaching the Word of God. Source: The Catholic Leader.

In The Dioceses Priesthood

Chinese-Australian Catholics have their prayers answered

When Sydney’s Chinese Catholic community answered Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP’s call to empower future clergy through sponsorship, little did they know they would be answering their own prayers. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

In The Dioceses Priesthood

Priest takes to the air to cover vast diocese

When he moved to Roma, Queensland, Fr Tom Duncan obtained his pilot’s licence so he could visit parishioners in more remote areas. Source: Outback Magazine.

In The Dioceses Priesthood

Two new priests for Brisbane

Hundreds gathered at Brisbane’s St Stephen’s Cathedral on Friday to witness Archbishop Mark Coleridge ordain two new priests – Fr Michael My Van Tran and Fr Bradley Davies. Source: Brisbane Archdiocese. 

In The Dioceses

Handbags of Hope brighten lives of women in flood-hit community

Handbags full of hope have been delivered by some passionate people in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese to a community that’s feeling a “little bit forgotten”. Source: MNnews.Today.

In The Dioceses

Salvaged hospital tiles give new life to rural church’s leaky roof

Roof tiles salvaged from the demolition of the old nurses’ quarters at a rural Queensland health service have found a new lease of life at St Peter’s Church, Childers, where they will patch a leaking roof. Source: The Catholic Leader.

In The Dioceses

Record crowds Walk with Christ as hopes grow for Eucharistic Congress 

Record crowds have celebrated the largest Walk With Christ since the COVID pandemic, with more than 15,000 Catholics joining the procession through the streets of Sydney for the Feast of Corpus Christi. Source: The Catholic Weekly.