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Religious leaders gather to support Jewish community

Under the theme “Unity, Hope, and Light”, religious leaders gathered last night to support the Jewish community, which has faced vitriolic abuse and acts of terror in Sydney and Melbourne in recent weeks. Source: Broken Bay Diocese.


Muslim Kazakhstan is listening to the Pope

Pope Francis’ vision of global solidarity and interreligious fraternity has found a foothold in Kazakhstan, a predominantly Muslim Central Asian nation. Source: National Catholic Register.

Interfaith Religious Freedom

Interfaith roundtable discusses equality law concerns

Commercial surrogacy, gender self-identification on birth certificates, and the safety of women-only spaces were at the forefront of a roundtable discussion of interfaith leaders and NSW state Liberal MLC Susan Carter. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Archbishop Fisher condemns anti-Semitic vandalism

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has condemned acts of anti-Semitic vandalism that occurred in Woollahra last week. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Journalist aimed to spread ‘story of religion’s contribution to Australia’

Award-winning journalist Rachael Kohn says true democracy needs all Australians, regardless of religious belief, to “work together in common cause”. Source: ACU.

Climate Interfaith

Faiths unite to call for clean energy

Religious leaders, parishioners and climate action enthusiasts from Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Anglican, Uniting Church and other faith communities united yesterday in the name of clean energy. Source: The Southern Cross.

Interfaith Papal Trip

Pope, Indonesia’s grand imam sign declaration on climate change

Pope Francis and Indonesian Grand Imam Nasaruddin Umar yesterday signed a joint declaration calling on religious leaders to deepen their cooperation in order to defend human dignity and fight climate change. Source: NCR Online.

Interfaith Sport

Five religions celebrate fraternity at Paris Olympics

The square in front of Notre Dame Cathedral was bathed in sunshine on Sunday as representatives of the five major religions involved in the Paris Olympic Games met. Source: Catholic Star Herald.


Archbishop Fisher calls on Christians and Jews to ‘always walk together’

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has called for people of all faiths to band together in fraternity, declaring that “all children of Abraham” share a common bond of brotherhood. Source: The Catholic Weekly.