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Misinformation Politics

Labor formally abandons misinformation bill 

The Albanese Government has formally abandoned proposed laws that would have forced social media companies to police misinformation and outright lies on their platforms. Source: ABC News 

Misinformation Politics

Doubts raised over misinformation bill at Senate hearing

A reliance on fact-checkers to decide what is false on social media could stifle attempts to crack down on harmful content, a senior legal expert has warned. Source: Canberra Times.

Misinformation Politics

Independent senators threaten to vote down misinformation bill

Key senators are blockading a divisive Government plan to crack down on lies in major public debates, threatening to vote down the bill and adding to a logjam of more than 20 bills stalled in the Senate. Source: The Age.

Misinformation Politics

Human Rights Commission raises concerns over misinformation bill

The Australian Human Rights Commission has warned that Labor’s proposed laws to combat online misinformation do not “strike the appropriate balance” between protecting free speech and moderating content. Source: The Australian.

Misinformation Politics

Bishops say second version of misinformation bill has serious flaws

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference says the Albanese Government’s misinformation bill leaves a question mark over what is considered a “reasonable” religious belief. Source: The Daily Telegraph.

Misinformation Politics

Coalition, lawyers raise concerns about Labor’s misinformation laws 

The Coalition is likely to oppose Labor’s second attempt to legislate a crackdown on online misinformation and disinformation, amid criticism from legal experts that expanding the bill to include political content would undermine free speech. Source: The Australian.

Misinformation Politics

Misinformation bill to retain exemptions for political parties

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has signalled exemptions will remain for political parties and government bodies from complying with Labor’s proposed misinformation laws, despite widespread criticism over the carveout. Source: The Australian.