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First Nations Northern Territory

NT Government scraps plans for treaty with Aboriginal people

After seven years, millions of dollars and thousands of kilometres of travel, the Northern Territory Government has officially ended the process of forging a treaty in the NT. Source: ABC News.

Northern Territory

Northern Territory Parliament lowers age of criminal responsibility to 10

Children as young as 10 could face jail with the Northern Territory Parliament last night passing controversial laws to lower the age of criminal responsibility. Source: SBS News.

Northern Territory

Fire destroys CatholicCare office in remote NT community

A remote community in the Northern Territory is without a regional office for CatholicCare NT after the office caught fire, as police say they’re yet to determine the cause of the blaze. Source: NT News.

Northern Territory

Bishop prays new NT government will uphold dignity and respect for all

Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci has extended his “prayers and hopes for the newly elected government of the Northern Territory” after the Country Liberal Party had a landslide election victory on Saturday.

Northern Territory

Westpac sanctioned over sudden branch closure in Northern Territory

CatholicCare Northern Territory was on the frontline of managing the fallout of the sudden bank branch closure in the isolated Northern Territory town of Tennant Creek. Source: ABC News.

Homelessness Northern Territory

Vinnies looks for new home to help homeless

In the Northern Territory where homelessness rates are 12 times the national average, the St Vincent de Paul’s Ozanam House Stuart Park service is about to become homeless too. Source: NITV.

Education Northern Territory

Catholic Education calls for full funding for all NT schools

The National Catholic Education Commission has welcomed the federal and Northern Territory governments’ commitment to investing $1 billion into the Territory’s public education system by 2029 and has called for all NT schools to be fully funded in the next round of bilateral agreements.

Euthanasia Northern Territory

Lawyers push to legalise euthanasia via telehealth

The peak body for lawyers has called for the scrapping of federal laws prohibiting use of telehealth consultations to facilitate access to euthanasia, urging the Northern Territory to push for the laws to be changed as it formulates its own scheme. Source: The Australian. 

Northern Territory

Raising age of criminal responsibility in NT from 10 to 12 years is ‘job half done’

Jesuit Social Services has welcomed the increase of the age of criminal responsibility in the Northern Territory from 10 to 12 years, with the new laws coming into effect yesterday. Source: National Indigenous Times.