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In The Dioceses Ordination

Melbourne’s newest priest describes ordination as ‘a gift’

The bells of St Patrick’s Cathedral rang out on Saturday, announcing the imminent ordination of Melbourne’s newest priest, Fr Jean-Sébastien Géry. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

In The Dioceses Ordination

Fr Vu’s priestly ordination ‘a profound grace’ for Church community

Broken Bay Diocese is celebrating after Fr Hien Vu was ordained a priest by Bishop Anthony Randazzo on Saturday at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara.

Bishops Ordination

New Bishop of Cairns ordained

Cairns Diocese has a new bishop, with the ordination of Bishop Joe Caddy in a ceremony at St Monica’s Cathedral, Cairns, last night on the Feast of the Assumption.

In The Dioceses Ordination

You choose a career but a vocation chooses you, Archbishop Fisher tells new priests

“Thanks be to God for the gift of the Catholic priesthood,” newly ordained Fr Adrian Suyanto said on behalf of himself, Fr Charbel Boustany FFI and Fr Likisone Tominiko at their ordination ceremony at Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral last week. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Ordination Religious Orders

Tasmania’s Benedictine monks celebrate first priestly ordination

Tasmania’s Benedictine monks celebrated their first ordination to the priesthood, as Fr Bede Mary Cannavo OSB was ordained at St Canice’s Church in Sandy Bay. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.


Deacon focuses on relationship with God on eve of ordination

“I want to love like the Lord loves.” Parramatta Deacon Tom Green says these words will steer his ministry as he prepares for his ordination to the priesthood tomorrow. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Men remain attracted to challenge of priesthood:  Archbishop Fisher

The year-on-year renewal of the Sydney Archdiocese’s clergy is not merely a happy statistic, but a sign that men remain attracted to the challenge of the celibate priesthood, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP said at the ordination of two priests on Saturday. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Maronite Church ordains three married men 

The Maronite community has three new priests, following the ordination of Fr Ron Hassarati, Fr Joseph Maatouk and Fr Mekhael Gebrael in Sydney on Saturday. Source: Maronite Eparchy.

In The Dioceses Ordination

Brisbane Archdiocese gets three new priests

The Archdiocese of Brisbane yesterday celebrated the Feasts of St Peter and Paul with Archbishop Mark Coleridge ordaining three men to the priesthood.