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Abuse crisis Western Australia

Dioceses of Western Australia apologise to abuse victims and survivors

The Catholic dioceses of Western Australia – Perth, Bunbury, Geraldton and Broome – yesterday issued a joint statement, acknowledging the release of a state parliamentary committee report on support for survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.

Education Western Australia

Political parties urged  to commit to capital funding for Catholic schools 

Catholic Education Western Australia is calling on the state’s political parties to commit to providing state capital funding for Catholic schools.

Education Western Australia

More students than ever enrolling at WA Catholic schools 

More students than ever before are enrolled at Catholic schools in Western Australia, according to the state’s latest student census. Source: Catholic Education Western Australia.

Western Australia

Location debate continues as statue of St Barbara returned to Kalgoorlie CBD

A bronze statue depicting the patron saint of miners in Australia’s gold mining capital of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has been returned to its original home of St Barbara’s Square amid community debate and the completion of a $16-million revamp of the CBD. Source: ABC News.

Education Family Violence Western Australia

Catholic schools to be included in program after $1.5m funding boost 

A school-based program that promotes gender equality and targets toxic masculinity will receive a $1.5 million funding boost to allow its expansion in Western Australia’s Catholic and other non-government schools. Source: The West Australian.

Religious Freedom Western Australia

WA delays laws on religious schools’ employment practices

Laws barring religious schools in Western Australia from discriminating against gay teachers have been delayed and could be shelved in the wake of the Cook Government’s repealed Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act. Source: The West Australian. 

Abortion Western Australia

Reforms to WA’s abortion laws pass

Reforms to Western Australia’s abortion laws have passed the state’s Parliament, including removing the need for women to be referred for an abortion by a doctor. Source: ABC News.

Safeguarding Western Australia

Archbishop Costelloe testifies before WA abuse inquiry

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB testified yesterday before an inquiry into the options available to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse in Western Australia who are seeking justice. Source: ABC News.

Architecture Western Australia

New foundation aims to rejuvenate regional areas

The John Hawes Foundation, which aims to rejuvenate regional areas and enhance community wellbeing, was launched recently at St Francis Xavier Cathedral in Geraldton, Western Australia. Source: The eRecord.