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Politics Social media

Australians won’t have to hand over ID when using social media, minister vows

Australians will not be compelled to hand over personal identification to big tech companies as part of the Government’s world-first under-16s social media ban, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has pledged. Source: The Guardian.

Housing Politics

Labor’s housing bills to pass after Greens backflip

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has secured the passage of his housing agenda through the Parliament in a significant pre-Christmas win after staring down demands from the Greens. Source: The Australian.

Misinformation Politics

Labor formally abandons misinformation bill 

The Albanese Government has formally abandoned proposed laws that would have forced social media companies to police misinformation and outright lies on their platforms. Source: ABC News 

Politics Religious Freedom

Labor’s watered down hate speech laws fail to appease faith groups

Labor has substantially watered down proposed hate speech laws, but is nevertheless facing a religious backlash, with claims it would turn Australia into a police state by creating “thought crime”. Source: The Guardian.

Politics Social media

Social media companies will face $50m fines for breaching age verification laws

Social media companies will be threatened with up to $50 million fines for systematically breaching age verification laws, under an Albanese Government plan to ban under 16s from the platforms. Source: ABC News.

Abortion Politics

Canavan accuses Greens of censorship over ‘born alive’ abortion bill

Nationals senator Matt Canavan says he won’t pull his controversial abortion bill, and has lashed the Greens for attempting to “censor and silence debate”. Source:

Abortion Politics

Greens will attempt to split Coalition over abortion issue

The Greens will seek to split the Coalition on the politically fraught issue of abortion by asking the Senate to vote to jettison a pro-life bill championed by two Coalition senators. Source: The Guardian.

Politics Social media

Catholic call to include Snapchat in social media ban for kids under 16 

The head of the Queensland Catholic Secondary Principals Association says Snapchat, the popular digital platform mostly used by young Australians, must be one of the apps facing age restrictions. Source:

Abortion Politics

Greens pledge $1 billion to expand public hospital abortion services

The Greens have pledged $1 billion over a decade so that all public hospitals can provide abortion services, in a policy move designed to pressure Labor to commit to universal “reproductive health services”. Source: The Australian.